
The rapid expansion of global use of groundwater has brought major social and economic benefits but has also led to serious threats to the sustainability and quality of groundwater resources and their dependent populations and ecosystems. GRIPP is a global partnership to promote sustainable groundwater management and solutions, for livelihoods, food security, climate resilience and economic growth. This webinar introduced the aims and driving forces behind GRIPP, how the partnership works, partners, activities and outputs.


Andrew Ross

Australian National University

Dr Andrew Ross is a research fellow and consultant at the Australian National University. He is engaged in international projects and training on integrated water resource management, managed aquifer ... Read more

Registrants Locations:

Picture credit Prashanth Vishwanathan

Project scientist testing water. Picture credit Prashanth Vishwanathan

Agreeing to collaborate on shared groundwater Picture credit Karen Villholth

GRIPP first face to face meeting Geneva Feb 2017