
While an awareness of the importance of inclusion and gender equality within water management has increased in recent decades, much work remains to effectively embed inclusive policies and practices by the sector. Gender equality can be seen as one key dimension of an inclusive approach – where no group is marginalised or excluded systematically. Sustainable Development Goal 6 to “ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all” requires explicit attention to gender equality and inclusion.


Melita Grant

Institute for Sustainable Futures UTS

Melita Grant is an experienced practitioner, advisor, and researcher in integrated water resources management (IWRM), and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Australian and international developme... Read more

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The Global Water Partnership (GWP) identified a serious need to analyse gaps and opportunities in the mainstreaming of gender equality in water resources management. To identify, explore, and begin to resolve these gaps, In 2017 the GWP commissioned the Institute for Sustainable Futures from the University of Technology Sydney to conduct a study investigating gender equality and inclusion efforts within water resources management at a range of scales (global, regional, national and local), including government, CSOs, private sector and multilateral organisations. Following a comprehensive gender analysis of water resources management literature and issues, and interviews with 15 global water management and gender equality leaders, the project brought influencers together in a high level meeting to deliberate and support the development of a major think piece. This presentation summarises the findings of the study, including an outline of clear and practical actions that all water governance sector stakeholders can take into their own organisations to champion inclusive water resources management – with a focus on driving gender equality.

The GWP is an intergovernmental organisation established in 1996 to support countries in their efforts to implement a more equitable and sustainable management of their water resources. The network spans 13 regions with more than 3,000 institutional partners in 158 countries.

Gender Equality and Inclusion in Water Resource Management

Image source: Women for Water Partnership

Image source: Women for Water Partnership