
This webinar will address key requirements in overcoming the problems of transparency and accountability thereby trust in Water Reform planning systems. It will aim to help key stakeholders have confidence that responsible planning officers, irrigators, etc, can be accountable for their future actions. The Q&A session will enable webinar attendees to question Dr Malik on the system and Prof Mike Young on the importance of this for transformational change across the wide ranging roles in water management.


Mike Young

The University of Adelaide

Mike holds a Research Chair in Water Economics and Management at the University of Adelaide, was the Founding Executive Director of its Environment Institute, is a Distinguished Fellow of the Academy ... Read more

Fredmund Malik

Malik Institute

Professor Fredmund Malik is the founder of the Malik Institute, from where the Super Syntegration planning support system was developed and implemented in Europe, USA, China, and Vietnam. Read more

John Leake

University of Adelaide

Assoc. Professor John Leake, University of Adelaide, is a rural development specialist who has consulted to the Mekong, Central Asian and Yangste river basin commissions on NRM issues and in auditing ... Read more

Nam Nguyen

Malik Institute

Dr Nam Nguyen is the Director Australia and SE Asia for the Malik Institute; he is a systems scientist with experience in QLD, SA, Europe and SE Asia. He designs and delivers MBA, executive and custom... Read more

Constantin Malik

Malik Institute

Dr. Constantin Malik is a cybernetician with the Malik Institute, Switzerland, as the Executive Director of Global Relations and Development. He is an expert in complexity with a focus on the design ... Read more

This webinar will focus on:
1. How to achieve water industry planning.
2. How to monitor success in complex stakeholder and political circumstances.
3. How to maximise utility and stakeholder acceptance right through to implementation

The problem we will discuss is well illustrated in the recent Australian Productivity Commission report where they concluded:
“Significant progress has been made in compiling the MDB plan with key stakeholders but implementation is poor, due to lack of transparency, lack of candor with stakeholders (trust) (See summary box page 2 at https://www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/completed/basin-plan/report/basin-plan-overview.pdf).

Professor Mike Young will briefly review past planning methods can seem to go well but where professionals are left to ‘write up the results’ and stakeholders misremember, or mis quote the results, – leading to the mistrust being experienced.

Professor Fredmund Malik / Dr Constantin Malik will briefly introduce an innovative and new planning system successfully used in many complex situations, public and private where there is a profusion of interests and capabilities. The system is now possible due to recent digital technologies that enable accurate recording of complex stakeholders planning deliberations in such a way to achieve these ends of transparency and accountability and to facilitate future planning, monitoring and evaluation iterations. The transformational processes (namely Malik SuperSyntegration®) have been used in Europe, North America, China and Vietnam by both Governments and large corporations very successfully as Prof Malik will show.

The secret to rapid problem solving, alignment and execution is to engineer human parallel processing. That is convening large groups of 18 to 50 people who have been carefully chosen for their knowledge, talent and influence and then engineer thousands of high-quality interactions amongst all of them.

When you know how to precisely engineer thousands of candid and focused interactions in large groups it only takes 2 to 3 days to find a great solution with strong buy-in and fast mobilisation.  The process of achieving this is Syntegration.

Syntegration is used in a wide variety of applications including, to develop holistic strategies with our clients, to manage reorientation processes, to efficiently plan large projects, to master mergers, to permanently reduce costs, to solve conflicts, and to develop digital strategies.  Our clients have demonstrated the enormous effectiveness of Syntegration in the large number of implementations in many contexts and environments.

Background reading materials


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