
Take sessions at any time with unlimited access for 30 days on registration.

This course will demonstrate how the HydroGeoSines (HGS) package for Python can be used to obtain additional insights from existing groundwater hydrograph data.

The expert presenters are also the developers of the newly-developed HGS package and they will demonstrate how HGS and Python language allow an easy way to pre-process and interpret standard groundwater monitoring datasets. This includes the removal of barometric pressure and Earth tide effects while characterising aquifer types using Barometric Efficiency values and Barometric Response Functions. You will also gain insights into the software’s other features, including estimating aquifer properties such as hydraulic conductivity and specific storage from time series data alone.


Cost AUD$895 (includes GST)
Code OD-22-3-044
Contact training@awschool.com.au
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Chris Turnadge


Chris is an Adelaide-based hydrogeologist in Land and Water's Regional Scale Groundwater Analysis team. His research primarily involves the characterisation of various aspects of regional-scale ground... Read more

Gabriel Rau

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Gabriel is a PhD qualified geo-environmental scientist and engineer with advanced expertise in hydrogeology. His passion lies in designing specialist field and laboratory experiments, acquiring, compi... Read more

Todd Rasmussen

University of Georgia

Todd is a professor of hydrology and water resources at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. Todd's research specialisation is in fluid flow and hydrogeochemical fate and transport in surface a... Read more

Watch the March 2022 webinar

Course Outline

Part 1:

1. Data wrangling
– Gap interpolation, outlier detection, detrending, and temporal differencing of measured data

2. Correcting groundwater data for atmospheric and Earth tide influences
– Removing the effects of atmospheric and Earth tide influences, as performed previously by software such as BETCO

3. Assessing the time lag-dependence of groundwater responses to atmospheric influences
– Characterising and quantifying groundwater responses to atmospheric influences using regression deconvolution

Part 2:

1. Traditional methods of interpreting groundwater responses to Earth tide influences
– Identifying and quantifying Earth tide influences using Fourier analysis
– Interpreting aquifer confinement status from Earth tide influences

2. Traditional methods of interpreting groundwater responses to atmospheric influences
– Quantifying and comparing responses using a range of traditional methods
– Estimating barometric efficiency and aquifer specific storage values from measured responses

Part 3:

1. Advanced methods of quantifying the groundwater responses to tidal forces
– Identifying and quantifying tidal influences using harmonic least-squares

2. Advanced methods of interpreting the groundwater responses to Earth and atmospheric tides
– Analysing harmonic components and disentangling their drivers

3. Quantifying subsurface properties using the groundwater responses to Earth and atmospheric tides
– Estimating hydraulic conductivity, specific storage and barometric efficiency


You will gain insights into HydroGeoSines (HGS) other features, including:

  • How to automate pre-processing tasks, including resampling measurements to a consistent time step, and using interpolation methods for gap filling;
  • How to remove the effects of barometric pressure and Earth tides, as performed previously by software such as BETCO;
  • How to use a range of methods to identify aquifer confinement types from groundwater responses to Earth tides;
  • How to use a range of methods to estimate the specific storage of confined aquifers from groundwater responses to Earth and atmospheric tides; and,
  • How to estimate aquifer hydraulic conductivity from groundwater responses to Earth tides.


  • 6+ hours of session recordings with unlimited access for 30-days;
  • Pre-course materials to go through via the AWS learning platform;
  • Manual of the course and working model download/s;
  • Ability to ask questions to the presenters at anytime through the learning platform;
  • Participants earn CPD hours/points (i.e. with Engineers Australia) for at least 12 hours for the entire course.


A good internet connection and software and downloads as described in the learning platform.


On completion of the course, you will be issued with a Certificate of Participation.

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