Register now to catch up on session one via the recordings!
Discover the revolutionary world of environmental DNA (eDNA) and how it can be a game-changer in aquatic research.
This practical, hands-on course will kickstart your skills and ability to design effective eDNA surveys, interpret eDNA data from qPCR and metabarcoding analyses, and analyse aquatic biodiversity using a water sample from your local area (**see note regarding water sampling kit supply).
Learn to accurately understand the outputs and principles demonstrated through case studies, calculate species accumulation curves, and receive bonus materials including a vertebrate biodiversity assessment for a local waterway site of choice.
Join us live and unlock the secrets of aquatic ecosystems using eDNA.
Further course outline and details below.
Thursday, 20 February 2025 - Thursday, 10 April 2025
Josh is a wildlife ecologist and platypus expert and has worked across a variety of species, habitats, and regions. Having spent many years in the field, Josh is in a unique position to understand the... Read more
Emma Walker is a project manager at EnviroDNA and is currently completing an Honours degree in the School of Biological Sciences at Monash University, with a strong commitment to understanding and pro... Read more
Course overview
This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to understand when and how to use eDNA effectively in your work and properly understand the outputs.
Course outline
Collect and post water samples for analysis (instructions provided in Learning Platform (LMS) upon course registration).
**Please note: Due to customs regulations, kits are exclusive to Australian participants who register before session 1, but international participants and late registrations can fully engage in the course, with all content designed for a complete learning experience.
Session 1: Achieving your research goals with eDNA surveys
Introduction to eDNA;
Understand types of analyses – qPCR and metabarcoding;
Survey design principles for different outcomes with case studies;
Repetition and replication.
Session 2: Navigating uncertainty in eDNA data
Assigning confidence to species detections;
Calculating species accumulation curves;
Occupancy modelling for spatial and temporal analyses.
Learning outcomes
Understand the different types of eDNA analyses and how they can be applied;
Learn how to design effective survey programs to achieve desired outcomes;
Learn how to interpret the complexities of eDNA data;
Receive a vertebrate biodiversity assessment for a local waterway site of your choosing.
2 live and interactive sessions of 2 hours on Thursdays, 1-3pmSydney Time
20th February, 2025 – 1-3pm Sydney Time
10th April, 2025 – 1-3pm Sydney Time
Sessions are recorded & uploaded to the learning platform (LMS – within 2 business days after the session), if you cannot attend live;
Pre-course materials and instructions to go through via the LMS;
Ability to access all the online course materials for up to a month after the course.
Pre-readings, access to relevant, past webinar videos and manual/s are available for ongoing learning.
No experience or prior knowledge required.
Background webinar viewing:
Completion certification
Attendees earn CPD hours/points (i.e. with Engineers Australia) for at least 5 hours for the entire course.
On completion of the course attendees will be issued with a Certificate of Completion.