This course addresses the fundamentals of groundwater including local and global water balances, types of aquifers, and the interaction of surfacewater and groundwater.
Groundwater Essentials topics include:
- How important is groundwater to us?
- Global and local water balances
- Where do we find groundwater?
- Introduction to Hydrogeology and Aquifers
- How do we assess our resource?
- How do we access groundwater, how is it stored and how does it move, aquifer testing and estimation using pumping tests, monitoring groundwater and Analysis of groundwater data
- Groundwater-Surface water Interactions.
- What are the connections, ecosystem dependence on GW & SW, issues of double-dipping
- Land use impacts – intro to chemistry, quality, contamination.
- Groundwater chemistry and water quality, pollution and remediation of groundwater
- Managing groundwater – quantity focus.
- Allocate, licence and manage our resources to achieve sustainability
- Protecting groundwater – quality focus.
- Protect our resources to avoid contamination to assure sustainability
- Case Studies and Tutorials

Uncontrolled artesian bore. Under the Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative, about $140 million over 15 years (1999–2014) has been invested to repair and replace open bore drains with piped systems.