
This course teaches the basic principles of hydrology and hydraulics for staff with no formal training in water engineering.


Ian Cordery

University of New South Wales

Ian is a Visiting Fellow in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New South Wales where he specialises in teaching engineering hydrology and irrigation. He is the auth... Read more

HHNE-Ian-Talking-close-upHydrology and hydraulics are the cornerstones of modern water engineering and many water-related projects rely on an understanding of the occurrence and distribution of water (hydrology) and the movement of water through our pipe and open channel systems (hydraulics).

On completion of this workshop, attendees will have a better understanding of the principles of water engineering theory and why particular design solutions have been proposed. Whatever your particular area of interest, specialising in water can open new career advancement opportunities.

The course will also include a day field trip on the last day and will look at hydraulic structures around floodplains and rivers.

HHNE-Street-DrainageContent includes:
• background to hydrology
• rainfall and runoff estimations
• flood management
• environmental impacts
• hydrostatics
• closed pipe system hydraulics
• open-channel flow hydraulics
• static and dynamic water
pressure design
• design forces in pipe systems
• energy losses in pipe systems
• introduction to drainage design
• case studies
• half day field trip



Who Should Attend:

Attendees in ICE WaRM’s Short Courses Programme include:Sectors and Organisations:• Priviate, Public, Consulting• Local, State, Commonwealth Government Agencies• Engineering, Environment, Agriculture, Farming, Irrigation, Education, Research, Mining • Water Authorities, Power Utilities

• Project Manager
• Water Planner / Regulator / Operator
• Change Manager
• Hydrogeologist
• Professional & Technical Staff
• Environmental Manager
• Team Leader
• Inspector of Mines
• Water Quality Officer
• Civil Engineer
• Human Resources Manager
• Environmental Engineer
• Policy Staff
• Water Strategy Specialist
• Works Supervisor
• Irrigation Consultant


What’s included:
• Presentations by experienced, highly regarded water professionals• Course notes – hard copy, electronic• Tutorials, discussions, demonstrations• Field trips, where relevant• Networking with industry colleagues• Small group sizes to allow greater interaction• Venues – CBD locations, light, modern, comfortable• Catering: lunch, morning, afternoon teas, networking drinksWays to register:
• Book below• Contact ICE WaRM direct:  • T: +61 8 8236 5208        • E: training@awschool.com.au
Continuing Professional Development:
Claim CPD hours with Engineers Australia for all ICE WaRM Professional Short Courses: www.engineersaustralia.org.au
Terms and Conditions:Available at awschool.test/fine-print
Help in gaining employer approval:
We know you are busy, so to help with gaining approval to attend an ICE WaRM Short ApprovalCourse, we have a few tips to help you put your business case forward. More details
Course Presenters:
Presenters are drawn from a pool of over 100 water professionals working in industry, science and education. They are highly regarded mentors, committed to developing skills and knowledge and cultivating professional links within the water industry.
Tailored Short Courses:ICE WaRM also tailors Short Courses, enabling:• Content and Presenters matching your specifications•  Whole of team training at one time• Delivery time & location at your convenience• Fees by negotiation Course Attendees:
Attendees come from a wide range of organisations in both public and private sectors and across various industries including agriculture, education, engineering, environment, irrigation, mining, research, water authorities and utilities.

Testimonials:“Really appreciated the opportunity for interaction with other participants for peer learning, and the extended question and answer times- to tap specific opinions and knowledge of presenters.”“Loved the diverse views, coupled to the well organised event plus the experienced professional presenters from various organisations.”

“It’s highly commendable for bringing professionals together across the entire water sector. Such an eye opening course – so comprehensive, touching pertinent issues in the water sector. Bravo ICE WaRM!”

“Great overview of the water industry and challenges faced by the industry in terms of social, economic and environmental aspects.”

“I was very happy with all content presented; it had good examples of how theories work in practice, useful videos, and the presenters have excellent knowledge of subject matter.”

ICE WaRM University Shareholders:

Adel-Uni CQUni Flinders-Uni UniSA
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