AWS offers a range of engaging and informative webinars, carefully crafted to expand your knowledge in the water sector. Our team comprises experts, industry leaders, and passionate educators from across the globe, delivering compelling sessions on a broad range of topics within the water and related sectors.
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Upcoming Webinars

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Introduction to the design of coastal nature-based solutions
Understanding design approaches for living shorelines for sustainable coastal adaptation

Mastering probable maximum precipitation estimates in a changing climate
Gain insights on climate change considerations for critical infrastructure design.

Whole of system simulation of catchment water quality treatment devices

Model groundwater level time series with Pastas
Explore groundwater level time series using Python and Pastas.

Successes in engaging pathways for First Nations students through higher education
Exploring the challenges and opportunities of seeding educational pathways toward water sciences

One Basin CRC webinar: 4 June
Details coming soon

Unlocking the full value of a flood model
Maximise flood models' value and transform them into lasting assets

One Basin CRC webinar: 2 July
Details coming soon

One Basin CRC webinar: 6 Aug
Details coming soon

Hands-on model running with automation

One Basin CRC webinar: 3 Sept
Details coming soon

One Basin CRC webinar: 1 Oct
Details coming soon

Using hydrodynamic models to inform nature-based solutions
Nature's blueprint: explore hydrodynamic models for sustainable solutions in rivers, floodplains, and coastal environments.

One Basin CRC webinar: 5 Nov
Details coming soon

One Basin CRC webinar: 3 December
Details coming soon

QGIS tips and tricks for hydraulic modelling
Boost efficiency in TUFLOW with QGIS tips for automation, visuals, and 3D insights