Tariq completed a groundwater modelling focused PhD in 2015 at the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training at Flinders University. In his research, he utilised the earliest versions of Flopy, a Python library for building groundwater flow models with MODFLOW. Since then he has mostly worked in the private sector with brief stints in academia and the public sector. During that time Tariq worked on groundwater-related problems in coastal areas, riverine floodplains and mining. This included the use of statistical, analytical, analytical element and numerical models featuring particle tracking, solute, variable density, heat and reactive transport. As a proponent of stochastic hydrogeology, Tariq considers scripted workflows indispensable for applied groundwater modelling. He currently works as a consultant for AGE in Brisbane, Australia where the majority of his modelling workflow process leverages various Python libraries including Pastas, Pandas, Flopy, PyEMU, and GeoPandas.
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