Steve Roso is an environmental engineer with 20 years of experience in floodplain management and urban drainage. During this time, Steve has held senior roles as an engineering consultant and as a stormwater infrastructure manager for a large Queensland local government.

In these roles Steve has delivered a diverse range of stormwater projects and initiatives. These include several complex, multi-million dollar facilities such as wetlands, naturalised channels, flood mitigation, and trunk drainage system upgrades. Several projects have won awards at state and national level. He has also gained a detailed understanding of the long-term management of urban drainage assets, including their maintenance, operation and renewal.

Steve has maintained a strong focus on technical investigation aspects of urban drainage projects using computer-based flood models. He has directly conducted and also managed several major flood studies and overland flow mapping projects for urban catchments. Steve is a contributing author and co-editor of Australian Rainfall and Runoff Book 9 ‘Runoff in Urban Areas’.

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