Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
Sarah McEwen

Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
Sarah holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Mississippi State University in Civil and Environmental Engineering and is a water resources Professional Engineer with 11 years of experience in Hydrology, 1D and 2D Hydraulic Modeling, Roadway Hydraulics, Bridge Scour, Flood Mapping, and Stream Stability Countermeasures.
She has worked on various design projects including Sediment Diversions, Lagoon Slope Stabilization, Dam Breach Analysis, and Parking Lot Designs, having also also received Certification in Floodplain Manager accreditation and membership of the Association of State Floodplain Managers.
She enjoys supporting and volunteering with the American Society of Civil Engineers and served as the Younger Member Chair through President of the Jackson Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers. At a state level she served as Treasurer of the MS Section of ASCE for two years and regionally served as Secretary of Region 5 Younger Member Council. Nationally, she was selected as Vice-Chair, and past Chair of Committee on Pre-College Outreach. Also served on the History and Heritage Committee, and previously as the Presidential Appointee to the EWRI governing board.
She is a former director of the Friends of the Mississippi River Basin Model, a local non-profit ( to save a local landmark and spread awareness of historic preservation efforts. The goal is to re-imagine this landmark by increasing recreational access and promote STEM education.