Urban Water Cycle Solutions and Australian National University
Peter Coombes

Urban Water Cycle Solutions and Australian National University
Professor Peter Coombes is an honorary and visiting professor at The Australian National University and a director of Urban Water Cycle Solutions. Peter is currently an editor of the Urban Book of Australian Rainfall and Runoff and was recently an Associate Dean (Education) and Professor of Water Resources Engineering at Southern Cross University.
He was awarded the 2018 GN Alexander medal by Engineers Australia for his contributions to hydrology and water resources. Peter recently contributed to the inquiry into stormwater management held by the Senate of the Australian Parliament and inquiry into Australia’s water resources held by the Productivity Commission and was a chief water scientist in the Victorian Government.
Peter has held senior academic positions at the University of Newcastle, Melbourne University, and Swinburne University. He has experience in change processes in government, development of government policy, and managing complex engineering business collaborations. His professional and research interests include systems thinking and analysis, hydrology, water resources, economics, molecular sciences, water quality, and public policy.