Seed Consulting Services
Mark Siebentritt

Seed Consulting Services
An ecologist by trade, Mark`s PhD was undertaken at the University of Adelaide looking at the influence of wetting and drying on wetland plants across the River Murray in south-eastern Australia. Prior to working as CEO of the Waterfind Environment Fund (2007-2008) he worked in a number of positions at the Murray-Darling Basin Commission including as a river operator and in the position of Senior Manager, Environmental Delivery where he coordinated the development of policy, planning, monitoring and reporting arrangements for The Living Murray. Mark was also a lead author in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2001 to 2005), assessing the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being. Dr Mark Siebentritt is currently the Director of Seed Consulting Services where his focus is on Climate Change Planning, Natural Resource Management (NRM) and Regional Development.
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