Leon Leach

Leon is the Principal Project Officer, Science Delivery for the Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (DSITIA). Leon been involved professionally for over 41 years in the water management arena, with vast practical and operational experience in all aspects of groundwater including drilling investigation, conceptualisation, pump test analyses, modelling, groundwater-surface water interaction, recharge, and regional assessments, through to implementation of water management plans. He has worked and lived in most locations throughout QLD, initially as a Cadet, as an hydrologist and then as Operational Manager. He is presently involved in overseeing the state wide delivery of groundwater related science for DSITIA relating to the Great Artesian Basin, Water Resources Plans, coal seam gas and other major mining projects. He is also often called upon as an expert witness. Leon has been a lecturer at groundwater schools since 1992 and is the principal author of the lecture notes on Groundwater Hydraulics.