University of Arizona
Katharine Jacobs

University of Arizona
Katharine Jacobs is the Director of the Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions (CCASS) at the University of Arizona. CCASS builds and supports climate change adaptation and assessment capacity, connects science with decision-making, and works with stakeholders to build collaborative, practical solutions to climate-related problems. Jacobs is a professor in Environmental Science and holds appointments in Geography and Regional Development and Hydrology and Water Resources. She was the director of the National Climate Assessment in the Obama Administration for four years and served as a White House water policy and adaptation advisor. Current activities include managing the Colorado River Conversations Project; hosting and facilitating a wide range of adaptation-related workshops, events and symposia; public presentations to multiple audiences; teaching adaptation and assessment. She serves on a standing National Academies board, has been a chair or panelist on nine Academies committees, and serves on fifteen advisory committees.