The University of Adelaide
Kane Aldridge

The University of Adelaide
Research Fellow at The University of Adelaide. Kane is a limnologist with a broad interest in the biogeochemistry, primary productivity, algal/macrophyte ecology and the ecological functioning of stream, lake and estuarine ecosystems. Kane’s research focuses on human-impacts upon natural inland water ecosystems and providing tools for better management of these systems. Much of Kane’s research has been done in the Murray-Darling Basin, in particular the Lower Lakes and Coorong. Additional projects have included nutrient dynamics in the Lower River Murray, Lake George and Lake Bonney (South-East); foodweb response to flow in the Murray-Darling Basin; ecological benefits of environmental flows provisions in Chowilla Floodplain and rivers of the Mount Lofty Ranges; fish-kills in the Patawalonga Lake; and aquatic plant community structure of wetlands in the South-East of South Australia.