Gary Jones

Gary is the former Chief Executive of eWater Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) and of eWater Limited, and a Director of eWater Innovation Pty. Ltd, eWater’s customer support arm. Professor Jones is also Chairman of the International Riverfoundation (IRF), a charitable organisation dedicated to the restoration and protection of the world’s rivers. The IRF awards annually the Thiess International Riverprize, the most valauable water award in the world. Gary has extensive experience in real-world environment and water management. During 2003-4, he chaired the Living Murray Scientific Reference Panel for the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, which supported the provision of 500 gigalitres of environmental water to the River Murray system, the largest single environmental water decision in Australia’s history. He remains a trusted advisor to Commonwealth and State governments across Australia on matters related to water science and the environment.