Abbott Underwater Acoustics
Brian Abbott

Abbott Underwater Acoustics
Mr. Abbott has over 24 years of project management, underwater engineering inspection, hydrographic surveying, and acoustic imaging experience. He is the owner of Abbott Underwater Acoustics, L.L.C. Abbott Underwater Acoustics specializes in underwater infrastructural systems such as Bridges, Dams, Port and Harbors, and forensics investigation. Other work includes archaeological projects i.e., shipwrecks and cultural resources. He is a civil engineer and HSE part 1 commercial diver. He is also employed part time by Kongsberg-Mesotech as a special project person. This work includes but is not limited to training on Kongsberg-Mesotech equipment, Testing of new prototype equipment and projects from homeland security, bridge inspections, ports and harbours inspections, Archaeological and Teaching courses on acoustic systems i.e., Scanning Sonar’s, (Dual Axis Systems) DAS, Side scan sonar, Building 3D structures and cloud points underwater.