Tailwater Limited
Andrea Taillacq

Tailwater Limited
Andrea has over fourteen years of experience related to project management, hydrology, water resources, and water rights. After working for federal and state agencies and small and mid-sized consulting firms Andrea and Greg formed Tailwater Limited in July 2016.
Andrea has extensive experience in the field collecting hydrographic data and compiling hydrographic and climatic data to evaluate trends to determine historic use, and evaluate changes resulting from change of water use. She has performed over 1,000 streamflow measurements and reviewed thousands of discharge measurements performed by others for completeness and accuracy. Andrea has developed stage-discharge and index-velocity rating curves for realtime computation of streamflow.
Andrea also understands the legal processes in Colorado Water Court and Colorado Division of Water Resources and has provided the engineering documentation required for change of use applications and substitute water supply plans. Andrea has provided engineering analysis for application of change of water rights and evaluated engineering analysis performed by others in opposition of change of water rights in Colorado Water Divisions I and IId.