Alan Wade
Alan has 26 years of experience as a hydrogeologist in Australia and overseas. He has been an independent consultant since 2010, and is currently Chair of the International Association of Hydrogeologists in Victoria. Alan’s experience covers a broad spectrum of physical and contaminant hydrogeology from large-scale feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments and groundwater exploration/yield evaluation to local contaminated site assessments, design and testing of extraction and injection bores and borefields, and dewatering and depressurisation. He applies a range of hydrogeological tools in his work, from specialist well testing equipment to transient numerical models. Alan’s skills include design and installation of innovative non-standard water wells (e.g. injection wells, horizontal wells); specialist aquifer testing and analysis (e.g. air lift testing and injection testing); conceptualisation of groundwater flow systems from local to regional scale; optimisation of the use of analytical and numerical modelling to interpret conditions and predict changes; optimisation of managed and artificial recharge; innovative groundwater remediation systems.
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